Little Big Joe: Sweden Young Team
Little Big Joe: Luxbox the Cat
Little Big Joe: Little Big Giraffe
Little Big Joe: Bertil´s Bench
Little Big Joe: The neighbourhood hellcat
Little Big Joe: Go, Folke!
Little Big Joe: Forever waiting for the ferry
Little Big Joe: Token Swedish blonde
Little Big Joe: Heart #2
Little Big Joe: Three crowns on his shirt
Little Big Joe: Let´s all get weird
Little Big Joe: Upstairs Downstairs
Little Big Joe: Mixed fruit
Little Big Joe: The Sverre
Little Big Joe: The apology
Little Big Joe: Heart #1
Little Big Joe: Coming your way
Little Big Joe: Outside the museum
Little Big Joe: Inside the museum
Little Big Joe: Couple #2
Little Big Joe: Couple #1
Little Big Joe: Dog or donkey?
Little Big Joe: No brats allowed
Little Big Joe: Are you good or what?
Little Big Joe: Representing
Little Big Joe: Sit on it
Little Big Joe: Buttered up
Little Big Joe: Doves and dames
Little Big Joe: Dinner for two