Little Wing Luna:
This factory is in ruins. Piles of debris over run the massive delivery area. — in Tacloban City.
Little Wing Luna:
Children go into abandoned houses looking for any usable object or tradeable commodity. — in Tacloban City.
Little Wing Luna:
People line up for hours just to have one meal that does not consist of Sardines. — in Tacloban City.
Little Wing Luna:
A house at the foot os San Juanico bridge offers words of hope and Christmas greetings. — in Tacloban City
Little Wing Luna:
A family fights to survive in the market area of Tacloban City proper. The grandmother tends to the children, the wife cooks while the father sells vegetables he has gathered from the nearby hillside. — in Tacloban City.
Little Wing Luna:
Basketball hoops remain unplayed in many areas of the city. — in Tacloban City.
Little Wing Luna:
The bodies of 1500 souls lay unidentified in body bags. — in Tacloban City.
Little Wing Luna:
Houses are erected in the river of rubble and decay. — in Tacloban City.
Little Wing Luna:
Life in ground zero, goes on. A father lulls his child to sleep. The mother is nowhere to be found. — in Tacloban City.
Little Wing Luna:
A house at the foot os San Juanico bridge offers words of hope and Christmas greetings. — in Tacloban City.
Little Wing Luna:
A man prepares his family's lunch in the devastation brought about by a massive ship that tore through this area. — in Tacloban City.
Little Wing Luna:
A jeepney ride costs 10 pesos as gas prices baloon in Tacloban. — in Tacloban City.
Little Wing Luna:
Waiting under the hot noon sun for potable water. The women often wait for hours. — in Tacloban City.
Little Wing Luna:
Trees stand defiant to the ravages of the storm. This body of water, not so recently, held in it more than 2 dozen bodies. — in Tacloban City.
Little Wing Luna:
5 ships wreaked havoc as they berthed upon the shore.
Little Wing Luna:
A C-130 lands in Tacloban Airport carrying with it tonnes of relief supplies, military personell, and volunteers. Once a hub of activity, the tarmac now barely allows for the safe landing of more than 3 aircrafts at a time. — in Tacloban City.