little♥dreamcatcher: Yes, That's the moon
little♥dreamcatcher: There is no friend as loyal as a book [E.Hemingway]
little♥dreamcatcher: Music, flickr and my camera
little♥dreamcatcher: In days (rainy & cold) like these...
little♥dreamcatcher: Pastel plasters
little♥dreamcatcher: yes, I need lots of pampering today
little♥dreamcatcher: Carrier Chick.
little♥dreamcatcher: Mommy mommy...
little♥dreamcatcher: Christmas is coming...
little♥dreamcatcher: Red carousel
little♥dreamcatcher: Christmas mode on.
little♥dreamcatcher: This year no cinder, no coal. I deserve a big gift...
little♥dreamcatcher: Here I am, under the xmas tree