Little Bear 07: our campsite
Little Bear 07: same site different angle
Little Bear 07: Dick caught a bass
Little Bear 07: same bass
Little Bear 07: same lily
Little Bear 07: wild roses
Little Bear 07: canyon wall
Little Bear 07: same wall
Little Bear 07: reflections
Little Bear 07: a wider shot
Little Bear 07: more reflections
Little Bear 07: The canyon
Little Bear 07: same canyon
Little Bear 07: rusty wall
Little Bear 07: the chute
Little Bear 07: rapids at the bottom of the chute
Little Bear 07: different angle
Little Bear 07: same chute
Little Bear 07: the canyon
Little Bear 07: the canyon with more sky
Little Bear 07: way up there shot
Little Bear 07: night shot
Little Bear 07: same shot with long exposer
Little Bear 07: inside my tent
Little Bear 07: our camp