ith: erin in her pink goggles
ith: Horse Hill lift
ith: the clear day
ith: kyle stunned in the snow
ith: IMG_7653
ith: me and kyle
ith: me grinning away
ith: IMG_7656
ith: young boy with board
ith: bring me away
ith: us on the ski lift
ith: clicking again
ith: length runs
ith: where cloud and snow merge
ith: whiteness
ith: after the blue run
ith: and up up we go
ith: dean, mel, kyle
ith: here is kyle in his bolle jacket which i love
ith: whilst the day is bright
ith: ninja jenny
ith: the ninja look
ith: snowy mountains
ith: up in the snow at buller
ith: snow boarding
ith: joseph boarding
ith: mount buller
ith: jo falls and poses
ith: its good fun!
ith: fallen again