liswarren4: Leaving Aqaba by sea
liswarren4: John Wake on board
liswarren4: John on board
liswarren4: Jordan's coastline
liswarren4: David checking out what he'll see next
liswarren4: Snorkellers over the reef
liswarren4: Lis about to jump
liswarren4: Lis dripping wet
liswarren4: Katie enjoying the sun and wind
liswarren4: Sat at the helm
liswarren4: Sat and Paula
liswarren4: Sat Paula and a policeman
liswarren4: Jordan's coastline2
liswarren4: David John Jean Lis and John on board
liswarren4: group onboard
liswarren4: Sita with the porkie pie boys
liswarren4: girls with john
liswarren4: Sunset on the Red Sea
liswarren4: Sunset on the Red Sea2
liswarren4: Sunset on the Red Sea3
liswarren4: Sunset on the Red Sea4
liswarren4: Jordan landscape
liswarren4: Jordan landscape2
liswarren4: Jordan landscape Petra from afar
liswarren4: Jordan landscape3
liswarren4: Jordan landscape4
liswarren4: Salesman in the desert
liswarren4: Jordan landscape Petra from afar2
liswarren4: Jean and Lis shopping at Petra