listorama: San Rafael Reef from westbound I-70... 20110615_5417
listorama: About to explore the San Rafael Reef again... 20110615_5481
listorama: Black Dragon Canyon... 20110615_5532
listorama: Black Dragon Canyon... 20110615_5552
listorama: The evil weed... 20110615_5567
listorama: The Wall... 20110615_5772
listorama: Dave and Dennis, the daring dynamic duo... 20120428_5217
listorama: Delicious landscape... 20120428-5262-65-68-71-74-77_Pano
listorama: Udink captures the scenery... 20120428_5302
listorama: Garden in the reef... 20120428_5304
listorama: Dennis and Torrey... 20120428_5313
listorama: Petrified wood?... 20120428_5316
listorama: Looking back at the route taken... 20120428_5332
listorama: Two desert dudes... 20120428_5433