listorama: Trailhead for Jeep Arch (Gold Bar Arch)... 20160925_6150
listorama: View from the culvert into the canyon... 20160925_6154
listorama: Lower Culvert Canyon... 20160925_6161
listorama: 4922 plateau... 20160925_6171
listorama: Seep... 20160925_6176
listorama: Looking down-canyon toward the Colorado River... 20160925_7196
listorama: Trail junction... 20160925_6185
listorama: Another view down Culvert Canyon... 20160925_6222
listorama: Jeep Arch... 20160925_6237
listorama: At Jeep Arch... 20160925_6252
listorama: Behind Jeep Arch... 20160925_6258
listorama: Monticello Rock... 20160925_6263
listorama: Monticello Rock (telephoto)... 20160925_6270
listorama: Jeep Arch massif... 20160925_6272
listorama: Jeep Arch massif and jeep trail... 20160925_6282
listorama: Happy hiker... 20160925_7200
listorama: I've been there!... 20160925_6312
listorama: Goal of the hike... 20160925_6314
listorama: Monticello Rock... 20160925_6318
listorama: The river!... 20160925_6329
listorama: Monticello Rock... 20160925_6333
listorama: Jeep trail... 20160925_6357
listorama: Where I'm heading... 20160925_6363-65-68_pano
listorama: Monticello Rock... 20160925_6377
listorama: Another butte that calls to me... 20160925_6394
listorama: Monticello Rock again... 20160925_6399
listorama: Pancake... 20160925_6402
listorama: It looks promising... 20160925_6405
listorama: The way up... 20160925_6420
listorama: The view from above... 20160925_7216