listorama: River, cliff, and clouds... 20160923_5907
listorama: Green River landscape... 20160923_5913
listorama: Layer cake surrounding Candlestick Tower... 20160923_5916
listorama: Getting closer to the tower... 20160923_5922
listorama: Contrasts in weather... 20160923_5931
listorama: Green River and White Rim Trail... 20160923_5937
listorama: Light and dark... 20160923_5942
listorama: Gloom and doom... 20160923_5949
listorama: SUCCESS !!!... 20160923_7164
listorama: A not-so-cheery Green River... 20160923_5952
listorama: Rain... 20160923_5955
listorama: Tree and tower... 20160923_5970
listorama: Looking back at the end of the mesa... 20160923_5994
listorama: Greenery and Green River... 20160923_6004
listorama: Colors... 20160923_6009
listorama: Canyon view... 20160923_6021
listorama: Distant canyon... 20160923_6030
listorama: Worst part of the trek... 20160923_6053
listorama: Canyon landscape... 20160923_6075
listorama: Canyon west of Upheaval Dome... 20160923_6081
listorama: Not suitable for night-time navigation... 20160923_6093
listorama: Navigating back toward the car... 20160923_6096
listorama: Indentations... 20160923_6098
listorama: Last good light of the day... 20160923_7181
listorama: Puddles and haze... 20160923_6108
listorama: Cliffs and buttes... 20160923_6110
listorama: Last light on Candlestick Tower... 20160923_6127
listorama: Civilization!... 20160923_7187
listorama: Guild Navigator?... 20160923_5684
listorama: Scenery seen once before... 20160923_7122