listorama: Visitors' Center parking lot at Arches NP... 20090526_7563
listorama: Bench boulder... 20090526_7594
listorama: The Penguins and lower section of park road in Arches NP... 20090526_7638
listorama: Above the Visitors' Center... 20090526_7704
listorama: Going down in reverse... 20120915_3192
listorama: Basin panorama above Park Avenue... 20120915_3276-79-82-85_Pano
listorama: One good fix deserves another... 20120915_3313
listorama: Context for another photo... 20120915_3361
listorama: Framed by Park Avenue... 20120915_3363
listorama: A Three Gossips panorama... 20120915_3385-88-90-93_Pano
listorama: Sheep Rock... 20120915_3415
listorama: Two out of three... 20120915_3429
listorama: Rocks... 20120915_3439
listorama: Gossiping about South Window... 20120915_3469
listorama: Babel Boy... 20120915_3480