listorama: Site of overnight camp on the mud flat of Crater Island... 20091012_8241
listorama: Driving to my first handcart hike....20110609_3191
listorama: Approaching my Crater Island campsite....20110609_3228
listorama: Workspace for assembling the handcart....20110609_3251
listorama: Drill Boy ready to go to work... 20110609_3266
listorama: Next: attach the axle box to the cargo box... 20110609_3269
listorama: Drill Boy screws around... 20110609_3277
listorama: Wheels and axle in place but not secured... 20110609_3278
listorama: Attaching the handle pieces... 20110609_3284
listorama: Handcart assembled... 20110609_3293
listorama: Secure the load and go!... 20110609_3304
listorama: First problem of the hike... 20110609_3316
listorama: Close-up of the malevolent mud... 20110609_3319
listorama: Blobs that came from the tires... 20110609_3322
listorama: Two routes, both bad... 20110609_3332
listorama: Break time on the open playa... 20110609_3335
listorama: Unharnessed... 20110609_3352
listorama: Lazy man's way of hauling "too much stuff"... 20110609_3355
listorama: I got as far as that ridge, then turned around... 20110609_3359
listorama: Animal tracks....20110609_3365
listorama: This wheel is not turning!... 20110609_3371
listorama: From OK to awful to OK again... 20110609_3394
listorama: The curse of wet mud... 20110609_3400
listorama: Hike over; time for yogurt....20110610_3497
listorama: Hiking area straight ahead....20110624_9386
listorama: Campsite in sight....20110624_9403
listorama: Happy to be here....20110624_9404
listorama: Blobs of Crater Island mud, two weeks old....20110624_9413
listorama: My stretching exercises paid off....20110624_9420
listorama: Joint made in the field....20110625_9527