listorama: Heading for Day Canyon... 20080511_9434
listorama: Oil Boy is all pumped up... 20080511_9440
listorama: Producer and consumer... 20080511_9455
listorama: Pumping oil can be messy... 20080511_9461
listorama: 20080511_9463...The way to Day Canyon
listorama: Alteration of road... 20080511_9467
listorama: Site of a well, marked for the long term... 20080511_9472
listorama: 20080511_9475...First view of Day Canyon
listorama: Day Canyon from the top end... 20080511_9479
listorama: Top end of Day Canyon... 20080511_9485
listorama: A leak not taken... 20080511_9497
listorama: Looking for the trail... 20080511_9500
listorama: Close view of the trail... 20080511_9517
listorama: Under an overhang... 20080511_9535
listorama: Weird rock... 20080511_9551
listorama: 20080511_9556...Synthetic clothes in the desert are great
listorama: Rock of ages... 20080511_9560
listorama: Day Canyon... 20080511_9584
listorama: Day Canyon landscape... 20080511_9590
listorama: Layers... 20080511_9593
listorama: Fractured wall in Day Canyon... 20080511_9604
listorama: Petrified wood in Day Canyon... 20080511_9608
listorama: Wide wall... 20080511_9623-26-29
listorama: Day Canyon... 20080511_9646
listorama: Turn-around point of the hike... 20080511_9661
listorama: Cathedral in Day Canyon... 20080511_9685
listorama: Stove in Day Canyon... 20080511_9616