listorama: Where I registered for classes many moons ago... 20030918
listorama: Plants at Suzzallo Library... 20030918_013
listorama: Site of geographic orgasms... 20030918_018
listorama: 20030918_025...Entrance to Suzzallo Library
listorama: 20030918_027...Three parallel universes, each unaware of the others
listorama: 20040601_7543...Building in black and white
listorama: 20041111_6170...Leaning?
listorama: 20041111_6172...Geometry
listorama: Wall & sky... 20050304_0804
listorama: Corridor... 20050304_0837
listorama: Maps! Maps! Maps!... 20050304_0853
listorama: 20050304_0858...Suzzallo stair landing
listorama: 20060324_8119...Bike rack
listorama: Bulletin board... 20060324_8144
listorama: Relaxing on campus... 20060304_8153
listorama: Jesus bike... 20060324_8177
listorama: Library sky... 20060324_8192
listorama: Mary Gates Hall at the University of Washington... 20060324_8255
listorama: 20060324_8306...Bagley Hall mailboxes
listorama: Chemistry lecture hall from Hell... 20060324_8309
listorama: 20060324_8318...Some of that table is edible
listorama: Chemistry lecture hall from Hell... 20060324_8321
listorama: 20060324_8338...A pleasant light enters an unpleasant building
listorama: Kane, Suzzalo, and Gates... 20060324_8342
listorama: 20060324_8355...Library lift
listorama: 20060329_8541...Student in the Kane Hall colonade
listorama: 20060329_8582...Straight ahead: geographic nirvana
listorama: Looking away from the center of the Earth... 20060329_8548