listorama: A little bit of Delicate Arch... 20111025_5815
listorama: Jim contemplates... 20120921_5427
listorama: I had a slight accident with the trike....20130822_1069
listorama: Pritchett Canyon... 20140513_2659
listorama: Nature's power... 20140515_3308
listorama: Aura cavity with aura fluid... 20140515_3646
listorama: Aura shield... 20140515_3826
listorama: There's that circle again... 20141012_4589
listorama: By special request... 20130902
listorama: "Do not turn off your computer"... 20150502_7793
listorama: Painful disappointment... 20151016
listorama: Road rage in the parking lot... 20151223_1340
listorama: Recognition awaits me!..,. 20160208
listorama: Technology triumphs... 20160208_2292
listorama: To be recycled ...20160514_4506
listorama: New fire-fighting practice... 20160813_5836
listorama: Landscaping makes a difference!... 20160916_6895
listorama: Longest lap pool in Arizona... 20161215_8120
listorama: Fulfillment erased by appliances!
listorama: I lied about the location... 20170407_9567
listorama: I proved my manliness... 20170410_9692
listorama: By special request from the masses... 20170725_3093
listorama: Saw this when I went for an eye exam... 20180123_8993
listorama: Don't tell the authorities!... 20180901_1980
listorama: Gutter beautification... 20181110_3827
listorama: Shower for construction workers... 20190526_6803
listorama: "DO NOT STOP ON TRACKS"...20150421_7404
listorama: Submarine in the Colorado River!... 20091019_1757
listorama: It wasn't her fault!!!... 20040827_4804
listorama: This made me want to buy something... 20201030_5405