listorama: Mine tailings near Copperton... 20040702_0809
listorama: Former entrance to the mine; now just a dead-end... 20040702_0812
listorama: Burial of landscape... 20040702_0822
listorama: A mountain of tailings in the mountains... 20040702_0828-31-34-37
listorama: Lines in the tailings... 20040702_0842
listorama: Colors... 20040702_0846
listorama: 20040702_0849...Tailings from the Bingham Canyon open pit copper mine
listorama: Drainpipe... 20040702_0850
listorama: Bingham Canyon: first view of the pit... 20040702_0855
listorama: Bingham Canyon Mine ...20040702_0862-65-68-71
listorama: The pit! the pit! the pit!... 20040702_0859
listorama: Dumping, crushing, and transporting... 20040702_0879
listorama: Bottom of the pit (white trucks by pond give scale)... 20040702_0882
listorama: 20040702_0888...Parade of humongous trucks at the Bingham Canyon mine
listorama: Truck tire... 20040702_0900
listorama: Tire specifications... 20040702_0899
listorama: Harvesting blasted rock... 20040702_0908
listorama: Repairs on a grand scale... 20040702_0914
listorama: Loads... 20040702_0944
listorama: Controlling the dust... 20040702_0947
listorama: Mining tiers... 20040702_0956
listorama: Descending from the Bingham Canyon Mine... 20040702_0957
listorama: "No stopping"... 20040702_0960
listorama: Waiting to see a dynamite blast... 20111005_7344