listorama: 20061030_2050...Six big ones
listorama: 20061030_2077...End-of-train device (flashing rear-end device)
listorama: BLU WGN treads on Union Pacific... 20061030_2089
listorama: 20061030_2095...Hi-railer at Black Butte Siding
listorama: .Coming off the main line at Black Butte Siding... 20061030_210
listorama: 20061030_2158...Smokin' at Black Butte Siding
listorama: Behemoths at Black Butte Siding... 20061030_2170
listorama: 20061030_2194...Trainee conductor has trouble cranking the engine
listorama: A meet at Black Butte Siding... 20061030_2251
listorama: 20061030_...Black Butte lights
listorama: Switching at Black Butte... 20101007_1271
listorama: Black and white at Black Butte... 20101007_1283
listorama: Just two guys---sort of... 20101007_1287
listorama: Light and shadow... 20061030_2176