listorama: Entering Culvert Canyon... 20081025_8400
listorama: Bootlegger Canyon from above Corona Arch... 20081025_9237
listorama: Fall colors at the Cane Creek Branch... 20081025_9288
listorama: 20090526_7005...Uranium train (1 of 4: overview)
listorama: 20090526_7007...Radioactive railroad
listorama: 20090526_7010...Uranium train (4 of 4: back end)
listorama: 20090526_7013...Uranium train (3 of 4: middle)
listorama: 20090526_7016...Uranium train (2 of 4: head end)
listorama: Moab UMTRA landfill at Crescent Junction... 20091023_3339
listorama: Dirt train at Crescent Junction... 20110615_5873
listorama: Colorado River from Amasa Back... 20111101_8410
listorama: Bow Tie Arch, from above... 20120503_8148
listorama: Truck on track... 20120506_8811
listorama: Potash train in Bootlegger Canyon... 20120506_8883
listorama: Delivery for the potash mine... 20120506_8931
listorama: Switching at the salt mine... 20120506_8991
listorama: Brake problems at Potash... 20120506_9046
listorama: In the cut... 20120506_9069
listorama: Train dwarfed by the landscape... 20120506_9100
listorama: Heading for Potash... 20120916_3558
listorama: Merger of canyons... 20140510_1204
listorama: Switching almost done... 20140511_1552
listorama: Switching at Potash... 20140511_1570
listorama: Returning to Grand Junction... 20140511_1602
listorama: Heading back to Grand Junction... 20140511_1611
listorama: River, railroad, and mine... 20150426_1349
listorama: The Green Weenie, far below... 20160925_6590
listorama: Dirt train heads for Crescent Junction... 20170412_0255
listorama: Drainage from Culvert Canyon... 20140511_1452
listorama: A meet at Brendel...20120914_2853