listorama: Woman at baggage carousel...20041209_7358
listorama: Control tower... 20041209_7425
listorama: 20050220_9946...A leftover from the Sand Point Naval Air Station
listorama: 20050220_0002...Bicycle cranks
listorama: Waiting to receive... 20050220_0069
listorama: "Honey, has the mail been delivered yet?"... 20050420_1693
listorama: NREX paint job on a BNSF train... 20050525
listorama: 20050525_2166...NREX9328
listorama: .Looking down on BNSF, but not out of a sense of superiority... 20050525
listorama: Rainier power... 20050525
listorama: BNSF-NREX-UP heading south from Georgetown (Seattle)... 20050525
listorama: Testing my powers again... 20050601_2477
listorama: Somewhere in Fremont (Seattle)... 20050928_1423
listorama: Fremont architecture... 20050928_1469
listorama: 20050928_1506...Parallel
listorama: 20050928_1515...A rocket in Seattle
listorama: 20050928_1576...What the?...
listorama: STOP in Fremont... 20050928_1587
listorama: Green River Trail bridge in Tukwila... 20060315_6972
listorama: Signal bridge... 20060315_7072
listorama: Infinity... 20060410_8780
listorama: A plane lands while we wait for take-off... 20060410_8833
listorama: Oxbow area (named after a bend in the river)... 20060425_8707
listorama: Highway 518... .20060425_8719.
listorama: .Taxiing to the terminal at Sea-Tac... 20060425
listorama: Nostalgic view 42 years later... 20060606_0034
listorama: The cost of going to the zoo is shocking... 200607018_1657
listorama: 20050718_2002 Zoo floor
listorama: Orange shirts = group's uniform... 20060718_2244
listorama: Who is this guy named 'Danger" that is addressed in so many signs?... 20050718_2307