listorama: Tracks... 20061012_1339
listorama: 20061019_5214...Great Basin gopher snake
listorama: 2006-1019_5219...Great Basin gopher-rat snake
listorama: Prints of what?... 20061025_8050
listorama: Sunset gulls (shot from a Washington State ferry)... 20061119_3438
listorama: Sunset seagull... 20061119_3457
listorama: Seagull on rust... 20070223_8481
listorama: My tracks among those of other visitors... 20070315_0560
listorama: Moab's "back side": Buffalo (I thought it was in New York!)... 20070319_4341
listorama: "ANGRY BUFFALO"... 20070319_4381
listorama: 20070621_2491...Hummingbird
listorama: Heading home... 20070801_4717
listorama: 20070803_4931...Bees on bird bath, with take-off
listorama: 20070803_4952...Bees on bird bath, with landing
listorama: 20070803_4972...Bees on bird bath
listorama: Surveying the realm...20070817_7529
listorama: Return hike: critter tracks... 20070920_3899
listorama: Ant lion holes in Negro Bill Canyon... 20070922_4489
listorama: Soaring ... 20070923_5388
listorama: Harassment... 20070923_5391
listorama: Animals violate the park boundary!... 20070927_7096
listorama: Rabbitt... 20070927_7138
listorama: Bones... 20070927_7364
listorama: Closer view of the bones... 20070927_7369
listorama: Frog... 20070929_7986
listorama: A cat guarding a house against an invasion of pigeons... 20071027_0286
listorama: Sprinklers and cattle... 20080504_5048
listorama: Cattle in the Umatilla Valley west of Pendleton, Oregon... 20080504_5215
listorama: Pronghorn... 20080507_6945
listorama: Tracks... 20080510_8808