listorama: Binky with the cable-TV remote ...20030908_035
listorama: Beloved pets no longer with us ...20031231_010
listorama: Backing out of the driveway... 20040510_6263
listorama: Giving Abby neck massage at the vet's... 20040511_6299
listorama: Three pets that are gone ...20040527_7290
listorama: Abby ignores the tire tracks... 20050102_8525
listorama: Soaking Abby's paw... 20050204_9772
listorama: Binky in her domain... 20050505_1955
listorama: Binky... 20050523_2137
listorama: Tippi, airborne... 20060212_5841
listorama: Dog and cat... 20060408_8715
listorama: "Dog raids wastebasket; news at 11"... 20060728_2999
listorama: Chip, a seafaring dog aboard the good ship Pandamonium... 20061003_5976
listorama: Happy cat; happy Cat Daddy... 20061203_4345
listorama: We three... 20070114_6183
listorama: Tippi (woof) and Binky (meow) relaxing... 20070127_6610
listorama: I and Binky... 20070127_6589
listorama: 20070130_7139...Dog sandwich
listorama: Bed scene... 20070306_8743
listorama: 20070508_0246 Roux and Tippi
listorama: Tracks... 20070810_5117
listorama: Tippi jumps for joy while brandishing her trophy stick... 20070810_5366
listorama: Here comes Roux!... 20070811_5672
listorama: Wife and dog, relaxing... 20070811_5990
listorama: A cat guarding a house against an invasion of pigeons... 20071027_0286
listorama: Jewel... 20080214_1955
listorama: Jewel waits at the airport... 20080214_2032
listorama: Madame Jewel... 20080218_2216
listorama: 20080223_2254...Jewel (Ju-Ju)
listorama: Wife and new Dobie puppy take a nap ...20080223_2255