listorama: Antenna... 20060212_5914
listorama: Shadow... 20060214_6100
listorama: Sign on a power tower... 20060317_7409
listorama: Power line and dark sky... 20060317_7417
listorama: 20060324_8355...Library lift
listorama: Looking away from the center of the Earth... 20060329_8548
listorama: Cherry lamp at the library... 20060404_8683
listorama: Asphalt and sandstone... 20060411_9573
listorama: Shafer Camp: moonrise... 20060412_0981
listorama: Shafer Camp: tent and its owner... 20060412_1000
listorama: Late afternoon sun break... 20060421_6493
listorama: 20060425_8541...Clouds over Antelope Island
listorama: .Taxiing to the terminal at Sea-Tac... 20060425
listorama: 20060622_0432...Block signal bird
listorama: Using the air... 20061003_6009
listorama: 20061009_0089..Parking in the sky
listorama: Vacant but secure... 20061011_0416
listorama: Casino parking lot... 20061012_1639
listorama: Tetzlaff Moon... 20061013_1829
listorama: Floating Island sky, with mysterious lights... 20061013_2175
listorama: Cloud on mud... 20061014_2555
listorama: Silver Island sunrise... 20061015_2810
listorama: Freight yard at Burmester, Utah... 20061017_3904
listorama: 20061017_3937...Storm at Burmester, Utah
listorama: Huntington power plant... 20061017
listorama: Hoppers stored under clouds... 20061018_4489
listorama: Fast versus slow... .20061019_5065
listorama: 20061020_6382...Hoppers at Potash, Utah
listorama: Amasa Back from Potash Road... 20061020_6393
listorama: Fins... 20061023_7569