listorama: FLICKR INFRASTRUCTURE: Image generator (20030907_107)
listorama: Yellow boulder... 20030912_019
listorama: 20030922_033...Enhanced image reveals startling information
listorama: Maintaining a low profile during a covert mission... 20030927_098
listorama: FLICKR INFRASTRUCTURE: Technician at work---during his vacation! (20030929_002)
listorama: FLICKR INFRASTRUCTURE: Hard drives of main server (20030930_056)
listorama: FLICKR INFRASTRUCTURE: Security demands precautions (20030930_079)
listorama: These trees can't be trusted, so they are being monitored... 20031113_012
listorama: FLICKR INFRASTRUCTURE: Antenna array, disguised (20040625_7861)
listorama: FLICKR INFRASTRUCTURE: Downward director (20040625_8080)
listorama: Earth, yawning... 20040626_8486
listorama: Why is this man happy?... 20040626_8490
listorama: FLICKER INFRASTRUCTURE: Convenience store (20040627_9141)
listorama: Artwork used as a cover... 20040629_0064
listorama: Two modes of transportation... 20040702
listorama: FLICKR INFRASTRUCTURE: I've been surfing on the railroad (20040705_1759)
listorama: Jackson Butte, as seen from Potash... 20040709_2642
listorama: FLICKR INFRASTRUCTURE: Support Center wisely located on a corner (20040711_3739)
listorama: FLICKR INFRASTRUCTURE: Sine wave mitographer (20041211_7598)
listorama: Lunch break for Plastic Man... 20050116_9516
listorama: Testing my powers again... 20050601_2477
listorama: Ducks attacking... 20050604_3097
listorama: Basalt boulders (transported by floods?)... 20050624_4850
listorama: Rock strata... 20050628_6270
listorama: A meet in Wendover, Utah... 20050628_6573
listorama: Bizarre terrain along Interstate 70 in Utah... 20060411_9649
listorama: Meditation in an amphitheater... 20060413
listorama: Castle Rock, The Rectory, and two arches... 20060415_2034
listorama: Meditating while in contact with a sandstone boulder
listorama: 20060425_8497...Salt Lake City Airport: looking west