listorama: Inlet on West Bar, Washington... .20030923_152
listorama: 20031001_061...Erratics atop Steamboat Rock
listorama: Looking north at Supplee, Washington... 20031002
listorama: Looking south at Supplee, Washington... 20031002
listorama: On the way to Banks Lake...20040326
listorama: Self-portrait in the (windy) Saddle Mountains... 20040327_087
listorama: 20040629_9889...Is there any beauty in this?
listorama: Fence that goes on forever... 20040629
listorama: Wellsville Mountains... 20040629
listorama: 20040702_0849...Tailings from the Bingham Canyon open pit copper mine
listorama: Landmark next to the interstate highway... 20040702_1091
listorama: Ithmus... 20040702_1149
listorama: View from eastbound lanes... 20050704_1735
listorama: FLICKR INFRASTRUCTURE: Blue Sponge (20040706_1945)
listorama: .Eastbound, approaching Sagers, Utah... 20040708
listorama: BLU WGN meets Thelma and Louise... 20040709
listorama: New paving on I-70 at Green River, Utah... 20040711_3805
listorama: Water cleaner---view from road... .20050620_3648
listorama: Dock Boy takes a break....20050621_4096
listorama: Concrete is not colorful... 20050625_5283
listorama: North end of the Pilot Range... 20050625_5516
listorama: Renton Library built over the Cedar River... 20060404_8657
listorama: Rocky silhouette... 20060417_3057
listorama: "10 MPH"... 20060425_8360
listorama: Plane's shadow... 20060425_8522
listorama: (20060425_8522)...Google Earth view of area of plane's shadow
listorama: Railroad causeway on Great Salt Lake... 20060425_8566
listorama: Lakeside... 20060425_8571
listorama: Payette, Idaho and Ontario, Oregon... 20060425_8612
listorama: Temporary signs at Control Point Tukwila... 20060622_0428