listorama: Increasing a wrench's mechanical advantage (overview) ...20061209_4434
listorama: Frost heave
listorama: Water bottle was left on the front porch during freezing weather ...20040105_018
listorama: Increasing a wrench's mechanical advantage (detail)... 20061209_4442
listorama: Snow creep on the Subaru ...20050115_006
listorama: Anti-vibration packaging
listorama: Writing without a pen... 20050623_4718
listorama: Mud curls... 20061012
listorama: Broom action by a bush... 20061014_2644
listorama: Defrosting the windshield in October in Moab, Utah... 20061019_4696
listorama: Grass compass... 20080906_4774
listorama: 20090523_4686 Stake & rope
listorama: Tension... 20100107_7376
listorama: Twins... 20101002_9084
listorama: Double trouble... 20101002_9055
listorama: Moving a heavy box into the car... 20110715_0692
listorama: Rainbow over Interstate 80... 20110607_2426
listorama: Remnants of rain resting on a brown tarp... 20110620_7230
listorama: My foorprint in a dune... 20110622_8958
listorama: Evaporation... 20180829_1922
listorama: More evaporation... 20180821_1890