listorama: 20030929_031...Pivot irrigator in Eastern Washington State
listorama: 20031219_012...Purple
listorama: 20031219_014...Carrots
listorama: Cloudy puddle... 20040110_074
listorama: Tire tracks... 20040110_048
listorama: All systems "go"... 20040314_041
listorama: 20040503_014...The heavy hand of Man
listorama: Flower... 20040523_6999
listorama: 20040601_7482 Jeep in wheel
listorama: 20041018_5388...Heavy metal thunder
listorama: Bent... 20041111_6306
listorama: Wet roof... 20041207_7080
listorama: 20050623_4628...Irrigator that goes over the hill but is not "over the hill"
listorama: Taking the Pulsar of an appealing arm... 20050703_8318
listorama: 20050718_2326 Lines of light
listorama: 20060104_3925...Tire track in mud
listorama: 20060317_7534...Powerline infrastructure
listorama: 20060324_8119...Bicycle rack
listorama: Trash bin chewed, probably by a squirrel... 20060626_1177
listorama: 20060716_1536...Radioactive?
listorama: Thistle? Teasel? Watermelon?... 20061004_6507
listorama: 20061019_4970...Five shadows
listorama: 20061019_5874...Shadows measured in millimeters
listorama: Headlight... 20070213_7758
listorama: 20070213_7445...Opposition
listorama: 20070223_8296...Union
listorama: You should see the spider that made this web!... 20070313_8918
listorama: Moon overshadowed by cloud and contrail... 20070325_8427
listorama: 20071027_0312...Shadow
listorama: Unfinished... 20071106_0438