listorama: Almost into Utah... 20050624_4952
listorama: Rain at Dove Creek Pass... 20050624_4990
listorama: Rain falling east of Dove Creek Pass, Utah... 20050624
listorama: Bumping on sunset... 20050624_5035
listorama: Hazy, lonely road at dusk... 20050624
listorama: Infinity... 20050625_5110
listorama: Infinity in black and white... 20050625_5110
listorama: Brand new cattle guard... 20050625_5116
listorama: North end of the Pilot Range... 20050625_5516
listorama: Message in the mud... 20050629_6859
listorama: Looking east at Copperton and West Jordan, Utah... 20060410_8965
listorama: Close to the carpool lane... 20060411_9104
listorama: Cracks in abundance... 20060418_4178
listorama: Looking north and south simultaneously... 20060424_8036
listorama: Parking garage at the Salt Lake City Airport... 20060425_8314
listorama: Warning: Security checkpoint ahead... 20061017_3893
listorama: Joe Tripod on a wet, snowy road... 20061017_4182
listorama: My first snow ball in Utah... 20061017_4193
listorama: Which way?... 20061017_4209
listorama: Road snow... 20061017_4212
listorama: Summit of Utah's SR 31... 20061017_4248
listorama: The worst weather I have encountered in Utah... 20061017_4255
listorama: Huntington power plant... 20061017
listorama: US 191 north of Moab, Utah... 20061028_0372
listorama: Hey---hay!... 20061028_0870
listorama: Power plant smokestack in the distance... 20061028_0892
listorama: Notch Peak at sunset...20061028
listorama: Notch Peak... 20061028_0949
listorama: Morning view from a Subaru... 20061029_1000
listorama: Bedroom near Notch Peak, Utah... 20061029