Lisse Wets: Close your eyes and let it come to you naturally
Lisse Wets: I want to go back to believing in everything and knowing nothing at all
Lisse Wets: The grass was greener. The light was brighter.
Lisse Wets: Everything turns into water as snow slowly disappears, now my tears can flow unnoticed..
Lisse Wets: Captain, captain
Lisse Wets: And I'm alone now ...
Lisse Wets: I, I am the misery you crave
Lisse Wets: Who wants flowers when you're dead?
Lisse Wets: Your eyes are swallowing me
Lisse Wets: Do you believe a word what the Good Book said, or is it just a holy fairytale and God is dead?
Lisse Wets: Out of the gloom, I rise up from my tomb into impending doom...
Lisse Wets: Give me the wine, you keep the bread.
Lisse Wets: Brick by brick by brick, these walls begin to cave in.