Líska: Shades of grey. #snowing #flurries #mthotham #snowboarding
Líska: Spring it on! #mthotham #snowboarding
Líska: Misty mountain hop #hotham #feathertop
Líska: Enter at own risk #hotham #hothamalpineresort #feathertop #snowboarding
Líska: On Cloud 9
Líska: Cold snap
Líska: Sweet climb
Líska: The smiles are as massive as the high 5's on powder days! :D
Líska: Absolutely jaw dropping final sunrise for our holiday
Líska: Windswept sunset in Flinders Ranges @Australia
Líska: Line in the sand @australia
Líska: All are-bored! @Australia
Líska: Fire in the hole
Líska: Sun down on an era
Líska: J541 steams towards Maldon
Líska: 10/52 - Happy Mother's Day :)
Líska: 9/52 - Doorway to the past
Líska: Web of pearls
Líska: 8/52 - Dredged
Líska: 7/52 - A horse of course
Líska: 6/52 - Just a kid
Líska: 5/52 - Back on Track
Líska: 4/52 - Wheel of time
Líska: 3/52 - Happy 70th Birthday K163!
Líska: Once in a Blue Moon - Lunar Perigee - Explored
Líska: Coupling
Líska: Rainy Walhalla
Líska: 2/52 - Reflections of the past
Líska: King of the bush
Líska: Small catch 1/52