lisey: Charlotte and the Golden Gate Bridge
lisey: Tucker and Charlotte
lisey: Charlotte and Todd
lisey: Heather and Tucker
lisey: Heather and Tucker
lisey: Charlotte and Todd
lisey: Charlotte and Todd
lisey: Charlotte and Todd
lisey: Charlotte and Todd
lisey: Charlotte and Todd
lisey: Charlotte and Todd
lisey: Charlotte and Todd
lisey: Heather and Charlotte
lisey: Heather and Charlotte
lisey: Heather and Charlotte
lisey: Todd, Heather, and Charlotte
lisey: Todd, Heather, and Charlotte
lisey: Todd, Heather, and Charlotte
lisey: Tucker and Charlotte
lisey: SF Giants
lisey: Charlotte SF Giants
lisey: Charlotte sporting her Red Sox hat
lisey: Lise and Tucker
lisey: Tucker and Lise
lisey: Todd and Charlotte cheering
lisey: The Beard