Local Initiatives:
Public spaces are vital to community life. A restaurant like Bozeman’s Community Café, with food that’s free, and a warm, convivial atmosphere, serves that important function.
Local Initiatives:
The Café is a collaboration among many community partners. It is managed by Rural LISC Partner CDC, Human Resource Development Council of District IX (HRDC), directed by Jeff Rupp.
Local Initiatives:
Now in its third year, the Café is staffed by volunteers from faith-based organizations, MSU and area service clubs, and food is donated by grocery stores and restaurants.
Local Initiatives:
Each evening, 8-10 volunteers take to their stations as the doors open. Guests are welcomed by a host and served by wait staff in a relaxed, restaurant style atmosphere.
Local Initiatives:
The Café is open 7 days a week and welcomes everyone: seniors, students, the homeless, construction crews, offering a nice meal at the end of a stress-filled day, or night out for the family.
Local Initiatives:
The Café website shows the menu for the week, and staff try to offer a variety of nutritious, tasty meals. For many guests, this is their meal for the day.
Local Initiatives:
Volunteers are key in keeping costs down, along with meetings, luncheons and staff retreats held on-site, and area businesses that step up to sponsor nights at the Café.
Local Initiatives:
The Café also provides meals for a local rural elementary school and for Head Start and after-school programs.
Local Initiatives:
Future plans for the Community Café include a culinary arts program for at-risk youth, training them for employment in local tourist-related service industries.