Local Initiatives: Greater Logan Heights is an older neighborhood with a rich history and diversity. Residents have long embraced each other to meet their commercial needs.
Local Initiatives: LISC helps small businesses operating “informally” to learn entrepreneurship skills and City regulations to enhance and grow their businesses.
Local Initiatives: Sobreruedas en el Barrio, a neighborhood market, provides space for small businesses to sell. Residents enjoy the weekend market filled with organic foods and ethnic crafts.
Local Initiatives: San Diego’s first CicloSDias event brought families, pedestrians and cyclists from all over to the Sobreruedas market and Greater Logan Heights.
Local Initiatives: Residents show pride and continue their community work by maintaining regular community clean-ups and improving business facades through public art murals.
Local Initiatives: LISC works with the community to organize and plan future efforts that will improve the commercial corridors and increase business.
Local Initiatives: Groups like BAME CDC and Bridge Housing are developing mixed-use projects to bring new residents to the neighborhood.
Local Initiatives: Small businesses along the increasingly busy and lively commercial corridor take great pride in dressing up their streets and storefronts.
Local Initiatives: Greater Logan Heights, a historic community in San Diego, looks forward to a new and vibrant day.