Local Initiatives: Communities for Healthy Food NYC, seeded by the Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund, launched in 2013. It will integrate access to healthy and affordable food into LISC NYC’s community development work.
Local Initiatives: In partnership with LISC NYC, Northeast Brooklyn Housing Development Corporation built vegetable beds in 2013. They’re used in senior cooking, nutrition and gardening workshops.
Local Initiatives: With the support of LISC NYC, West Harlem Group Assistance offered cooking and food budgeting classes to residents of a group home for people with mental illness.
Local Initiatives: New Settlement Apartments staff receive training in hands-on cooking classes, which foster a culture of healthy eating while building culinary skills among participants.
Local Initiatives: Elementary school students at PS 65 with Cypress Hills CDC clipped pictures found in newspapers and magazines to create a collage illustrating healthy and unhealthy foods.
Local Initiatives: Northeast Brooklyn Housing Development Corporation enlisted teens to build an urban farm to grow more produce for local residents and their client-choice food pantry.