Local Initiatives: Audience listening to panel discussion
Local Initiatives: Conversing in the Biddle Room at the Harvard Club
Local Initiatives: Sharing a laugh during coffee break
Local Initiatives: Coffee break in the North Room at the Harvard Club
Local Initiatives: Reena Bhatia, LISC’s Vice President of Education Programs, welcomes conference attendees and introduces LISC CEO Michael Rubinger
Local Initiatives: Michael Rubinger, CEO of LISC, delivering opening remarks to conference attendees
Local Initiatives: “Charter School Bond Issuance: A Complete History, Vol 2 Findings Presentation” Panel
Local Initiatives: Conference attendees pack the Biddle and North Room of the Harvard Club
Local Initiatives: “Credit Quality Assessment – Perspectives” Panel Members
Local Initiatives: “Credit Quality Assessment – Perspectives” Panel Members
Local Initiatives: Conference attendee posing a question to “Credit Quality Assessment- Perspectives” panel
Local Initiatives: Panelists Greg McKenna of PNC, Ralph Rossi of SUNY Charter Schools Institute, Bill Wildman of RBC Capital Markets and David Hitchcock of Standard & Poor's
Local Initiatives: Conference attendees assembled for lunch in the Cambridge Room at the Harvard Club
Local Initiatives: Keynote speaker Brett Peiser, CEO of Uncommon Schools presenting his thoughts on “The Education Reform Movement: What’s Next?”
Local Initiatives: “Future Trends & Innovation” Panel
Local Initiatives: Conference attendees listening to “Future Trends & Innovation” panel
Local Initiatives: Tom Kozlik of Janney Montgomery Scott emphasizing a point about LISC’s bond study during panel discussion “Future Trends & Innovation”
Local Initiatives: “Discussion of Disclosure Template” Panel
Local Initiatives: Closing Remarks