Local Initiatives:
Warm Welcome – Art welcomes and sets the tone for Downtown Kansas City, Kansas’s ongoing revival.
Local Initiatives:
Partnering Together - The local Chamber of Commerce is an important partner when doing commercial corridor redevelopment.
Local Initiatives:
LISC-funded banners help give the Downtown commercial district an identity.
Local Initiatives:
School Partnership - Students of Sumner Academy help clean up the surrounding neighborhood.
Local Initiatives:
Promoting Well-being - With no grocery store in sight, local growers provide healthy food to residents at the Greenmarket in Downtown KCK.
Local Initiatives:
Showcasing Entrepreneurship - Small business owners also take advantage of the weekly Greenmarket.
Local Initiatives:
Emerging Businesses - One of 14 new businesses which opened in Downtown KCK in 2012.
Local Initiatives:
Taking Pride - Employees are proud of their new location in the revitalized Downtown, KCK.
Local Initiatives:
Problem Solving - Healthy communities also require strong policies. LISC presented a workforce housing summit to help crystallize the issues.
Local Initiatives:
Sponsoring Safety – LISC-funded Safety Ambassadors help keep the Downtown district clean and safe.
Local Initiatives:
Creating Beauty - Members of the community dig-in to beautify the neighborhood park, which is only a short walk from the commercial corridor.
Local Initiatives:
Community Partners - KCK residents recently completed their third round of Quality of Life Planning thanks to great progress over the last seven years.
Local Initiatives:
Sustainable Change -LISC's efforts continue to help Kansas City, Kansas become a safer place for children to live and play.