Local Initiatives: Mesa Mayor Scott Smith shares his excitement for the new Escobedo at Verde Vista apartment complex at its ground breaking.
Local Initiatives: Through a LISC grant from State Farm, commercial corridors in downtown Mesa received façade improvements, which included this mural.
Local Initiatives: LISC funded the redevelopment of formerly vacant public housing.
Local Initiatives: LISC Neighborhood Advisory Committee members participated in a neighborhood paint-a-thon in Washington/Escobed.
Local Initiatives: LISC helped fund the first residential development in downtown Mesa in 25 years.
Local Initiatives: Bruce Nelson, a resident of Washington/Escobedo, gives community stakeholders a neighborhood tour.
Local Initiatives: A new business on Main Street that was funded through a façade improvement grant from State Farm.
Local Initiatives: Mesa Mayor Scott Smith helps demolish some dilapidated public housing in Mesa.
Local Initiatives: The ground breaking of a new affordable senior development in Mesa took place in 2012.