Local Initiatives: Buffalo LISC's partnership with People United for Sustainable Housing (PUSH) started over 10 years ago with a LISC-funded community planning process.
Local Initiatives: And now, nowhere in Buffalo has the work more effectively taken hold than in the “Green Development Zone” on Buffalo’s West Side.
Local Initiatives: That plan included acquiring and renovating long-vacant eyesores to provide new rental and homeownership opportunities with a strong emphasis on energy efficiency and affordability.
Local Initiatives: And going "Green" means salvaging the best of what the neighborhood has to offer and reusing it in an energy efficient way. This takes a dedicated team.
Local Initiatives: PUSH Green uses new techniques like geothermal systems to provide energy-efficient housing.
Local Initiatives: As a result, "Net Zero" homes with geothermal, solar and photovoltaic systems produce as much energy as needed to power and heat them.
Local Initiatives: Training neighborhood residents in the field of green energy practices is also creating new employment opportunities.
Local Initiatives: Buffalo LISC's Green Development Zone strategy also called for the reclamation of a much-neglected park in the neighborhood.
Local Initiatives: PUSH has acquired vacant lots throughout the neighborhood and is providing residents with community garden facilities and improving access to healthy foods.
Local Initiatives: The neighborhood commercial strip is also seeing reinvestment in buildings and public spaces.
Local Initiatives: In the end, this is what it's all about.