Local Initiatives: Healthy communities are economic contributors and attract new assets to their broader region. The Garden Theater Block is the centerpiece of neighborhood efforts to improve the area. It features a mix of residential, restaurant and retail uses.
Local Initiatives: Healthy communities have local institutions that help to build social capital. The Pittsburgh Wealth Building Initiative implemented a worker-owned cooperative designed to develop local businesses that employ area residents and pay living wages.
Local Initiatives: Healthy communities have attractive physical amenities like parks, open spaces and recreational facilities. The residents of south Pittsburgh Hilltop neighborhoods recognized the importance of beautification and launched a gateway beautification project.
Local Initiatives: Healthy communities are smart communities, with schools that deliver quality educational opportunities for residents. The Eastside Neighborhood Employment Center served more than 1,000 job seekers and placed more than 200 in East End neighborhoods.
Local Initiatives: Healthy communities are technologically connected to the wider region and the world. In partnership with the Hilltop Alliance, a new computer center offers free computer programming skills to facilitate visitors in such areas as employment and education.
Local Initiatives: Healthy communities are creative communities that offer arts and cultural opportunities. Through a neighborhood initiative, Quantum Theatre developed strategies to enable both the theatre and residents to harness the benefit of repeat business.
Local Initiatives: Healthy communities offer quality shopping. The East End has multiple business districts in close vicinity that are working together to create an expansive shopping district that attracts people from all over the region.
Local Initiatives: Healthy communities are physically connected to the wider region through transportation options that make movement easy and affordable. LISC works to achieve a more balanced transportation system that improves connectivity and transportation access.