Local Initiatives: Nashville Police Department's El Protector Program
Local Initiatives: MetLife Award winner Building Blocks for Kids and the Richmond Police Department
Local Initiatives: Captain Hudson and representatives of the Martin Luther King Business Improvement District
Local Initiatives: McGruff the crime dog visits a Care Fresno site
Local Initiatives: SafeGrowth practitioners complete neighborhood safety audits
Local Initiatives: Community input drove the EcoVillage revitalization project
Local Initiatives: Apartments in Sweeney Circle before the revitalization work completed by Green Doors
Local Initiatives: Green Doors worked closely with the Austin Police Deparment to revitalize the neighborhood
Local Initiatives: Family Services of Rhode Island
Local Initiatives: Laying the plans for revitalization in Austin, TX
Local Initiatives: Probation Officer Lanae Gutierrez works with STAR/PAL youth
Local Initiatives: Community members and police partners celebrate progress
Local Initiatives: Course facilitator Gregory Saville teaches CPTED to community-police partners