Vancouver Wedding Photographer: Ophelia Photograph:
An inside Joke...
Vancouver Wedding Photographer: Ophelia Photograph:
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Vancouver Wedding Photographer: Ophelia Photograph:
Behind The Scenes By Gregory Greve
Vancouver Wedding Photographer: Ophelia Photograph:
Bleeding Armidilo Cake From Steel Magnolia's
Vancouver Wedding Photographer: Ophelia Photograph:
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Vancouver Wedding Photographer: Ophelia Photograph:
Bouquet Toss and Serious Business
Vancouver Wedding Photographer: Ophelia Photograph:
Bridesmaid Meet Photographer
Vancouver Wedding Photographer: Ophelia Photograph:
calla lily's
Vancouver Wedding Photographer: Ophelia Photograph:
charlies angels
Vancouver Wedding Photographer: Ophelia Photograph:
During the Ceremony
Vancouver Wedding Photographer: Ophelia Photograph:
Vancouver Wedding Photographer: Ophelia Photograph:
Flowers that weighed in at 10 pounds!!!
Vancouver Wedding Photographer: Ophelia Photograph:
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Vancouver Wedding Photographer: Ophelia Photograph:
Vancouver Wedding Photographer: Ophelia Photograph:
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Vancouver Wedding Photographer: Ophelia Photograph: