Lisa VH: Ms Liberty
Lisa VH: Waiting for the Bus
Lisa VH: The Lady
Lisa VH: ELMO in NYC!
Lisa VH: The White House
Lisa VH: Capital DC
Lisa VH: Vietnam Memorial Wall
Lisa VH: I'm Crushing Your Head
Lisa VH: Taking your own Pic :)
Lisa VH: National Mall
Lisa VH: Jefferson Memorial
Lisa VH: Waiting at the Airport in DC
Lisa VH: Walking in Arlington Cemetery
Lisa VH: National Cathedral DC
Lisa VH: Standing in the Center of DC
Lisa VH: Supreme Court DC
Lisa VH: Washington DC
Lisa VH: Hard Rock in DC
Lisa VH: Mornings in Baltimore
Lisa VH: Philly Cheese Steak in So. Philly
Lisa VH: At "The Bell" in Philly
Lisa VH: On the street in Philly
Lisa VH: NYPD in Times Square
Lisa VH: NYC at Night
Lisa VH: Mom and Daughter NYC
Lisa VH: 911 Memorial Pentagon
Lisa VH: Lots of places to go in NYC
Lisa VH: Wall Street...... NYC
Lisa VH: On the bus in the rain .... NYC
Lisa VH: Times Square