woodshedcoffee: We don't grow anything in the winter!
woodshedcoffee: risky point of view
woodshedcoffee: vacuum seeder
woodshedcoffee: And we begin again!
woodshedcoffee: Things I love:
woodshedcoffee: Spotting tomatoes
woodshedcoffee: Tomato toddlers
woodshedcoffee: Who knows what's going on here?
woodshedcoffee: I'm a parsley gleaner.
woodshedcoffee: Tractor lessons
woodshedcoffee: Tramps like us...
woodshedcoffee: This chicken crossed the road.
woodshedcoffee: Aaaaahhhhh ... spring on a farm.
woodshedcoffee: A girl and her dog/A dog and her girl
woodshedcoffee: Delicate toots
woodshedcoffee: A long road...
woodshedcoffee: Sunset plumbing
woodshedcoffee: Lest y'all thought it was all dirt and beets and chicken poop around here
woodshedcoffee: Because I feel the tiniest bit like a new mama
woodshedcoffee: OhmygoshohmygoshohmyGOSH!
woodshedcoffee: "Hi there."
woodshedcoffee: Killin' the blues
woodshedcoffee: Not a wisp of down left on these boys!
woodshedcoffee: We are family...
woodshedcoffee: liars' club