lisa s | dressform: rocket_for lovely design
lisa s | dressform: robots_for lovely design
lisa s | dressform: love_for lovely design
lisa s | dressform: drawing a day - week 1
lisa s | dressform: drawing a day - week 2
lisa s | dressform: drawing a day - week 3
lisa s | dressform: week 5 ~ drawing a day
lisa s | dressform: wall work ~ louisiana star doilies
lisa s | dressform: mended target :: petal stitch
lisa s | dressform: orchid detail
lisa s | dressform: colors for wall work 2
lisa s | dressform: figurines - large size
lisa s | dressform: figurines - small size
lisa s | dressform: a bit of press
lisa s | dressform: limn gallery - "bedtime stories" - install view
lisa s | dressform: it ain't fittin' to be sittin'
lisa s | dressform: a bed dreams
lisa s | dressform: a bed dreams a blue doily dream
lisa s | dressform: orange chair :: past and present
lisa s | dressform: hemlock bud
lisa s | dressform: 123 ... with hand stitching
lisa s | dressform: lime and grey chairs