lisascenic: Expanding Its Wings
lisascenic: Our Super-Fancy Butterfly Hatchery
lisascenic: Anise Swallowtail Expanding Its Wings
lisascenic: Two Newly Emerged Butterflies
lisascenic: Newly Emerged Butterflies
lisascenic: Swallowtail Caterpillar
lisascenic: Moody Caterpillar
lisascenic: Caterpillar Traffic Jam
lisascenic: Caterpillar on Orchid
lisascenic: Caterpillar on the Prowl
lisascenic: Tethered
lisascenic: Common Checkered Skipper
lisascenic: Just Before Hatching
lisascenic: Unfurling The Wings
lisascenic: Inflating the Wings
lisascenic: Newly Hatched Butterfly
lisascenic: Hatched in the Pantry
lisascenic: Newly Emerged Anise Swallowtail Butterfly