Lisa G Richards: The first crocus bloom
Lisa G Richards: Let gardening season begin
Lisa G Richards: Chickens in my garden
Lisa G Richards: Spring has sprung
Lisa G Richards: Blooming tulips
Lisa G Richards: Forsythia by the gazebo
Lisa G Richards: Tulips and daffs
Lisa G Richards: Wee little hyacinths
Lisa G Richards: Raised bed with compost
Lisa G Richards: Showing off my compost
Lisa G Richards: Creeping Phlox
Lisa G Richards: Blooming Bleeding Heart
Lisa G Richards: Perennial Bachelor Button blooms
Lisa G Richards: Blooming Bleeding Heart
Lisa G Richards: Week 2 in the veggie bed
Lisa G Richards: Tomatoes, pepper, cukes
Lisa G Richards: Lupine and iris
Lisa G Richards: Lupine and iris, just opening
Lisa G Richards: Strawberries
Lisa G Richards: Honey bee on lupine
Lisa G Richards: Valerie, Angel and Peeper
Lisa G Richards: Foam flower
Lisa G Richards: Baptisia australis (false indigo)
Lisa G Richards: Baptisia australis (false indigo)
Lisa G Richards: Centaurea dealbata, Persian Cornflower
Lisa G Richards: Damn bindweed will grow in anything