Lisa G Richards: Bjarki and I bring the chickens home
Lisa G Richards: Llama love
Lisa G Richards: My Icelandic critters
Lisa G Richards: Kaytla looking gorgeous
Lisa G Richards: Stretching our wings after being cooped up all week
Lisa G Richards: Maria, one of my leadersheep
Lisa G Richards: My beautiful Mary
Lisa G Richards: The new girls with Mary and Buster
Lisa G Richards: Hens all up on the top roost
Lisa G Richards: Sue in the feeder
Lisa G Richards: Get out of the feeder, Sue!
Lisa G Richards: Checking each other out
Lisa G Richards: Checking out the chickens
Lisa G Richards: Burning the brush pile
Lisa G Richards: Leon checking out the hen
Lisa G Richards: Rooster on the gate
Lisa G Richards: Pretty rooster
Lisa G Richards: Free-ranging chickens
Lisa G Richards: Pretty llamas
Lisa G Richards: Bjarki watches over the chickens
Lisa G Richards: Hen on the fence
Lisa G Richards: Pretty hen
Lisa G Richards: Icelandic Rooster
Lisa G Richards: What are those?
Lisa G Richards: The girls check out their surrounds
Lisa G Richards: Icelandic Rooster in the snow
Lisa G Richards: Chilly Chickens