LisaG in the world: Samar Sarhan's family house
LisaG in the world: Silwan kids
LisaG in the world: Silwan kids
LisaG in the world: silwan kids with YASAM (riot control) cops
LisaG in the world: silwan kids with YASAM (riot control) cops
LisaG in the world: Israelis and Palestinians hanging out in Silwan
LisaG in the world: YASAM (riot control)
LisaG in the world: Silwan kids
LisaG in the world: Silwan, the day after the riots
LisaG in the world: Joseph Dana (smiling)
LisaG in the world: Empty tear gas canister, made in USA
LisaG in the world: Collection of empty tear gas canisters in Silwan
LisaG in the world: Inspecting the tear gas cannisters
LisaG in the world: YASAM (riot control cops) in Silwan
LisaG in the world: Joseph Dana (serious)
LisaG in the world: Silwan girls
LisaG in the world: Silwan girl (take my photo please)