LisaG in the world: Philip shows his camera to the lieutenant colonel
LisaG in the world: Shooting tear gas
LisaG in the world: Halamish in the background
LisaG in the world: Preparing to shoot another round of tear gas
LisaG in the world: Soldier holding a tear gas canister
LisaG in the world: Danny, a lieutenant colonel in the Nahal Brigade
LisaG in the world: Soldiers in Nabi Saleh
LisaG in the world: Soldiers waiting in the olive grove for orders to shoot
LisaG in the world: Armoured vehicle in the village
LisaG in the world: Palestinian protestor
LisaG in the world: Film-maker from East Jerusalem
LisaG in the world: Yotam Feldman
LisaG in the world: Demonstrators
LisaG in the world: Child demonstrator
LisaG in the world: Village boy holding an IDF tear gas canister
LisaG in the world: Settlement of Halamish in the background
LisaG in the world: The boy on the left has Down's Syndrome
LisaG in the world: Posing in front of the broken window
LisaG in the world: Shards of glass from window broken by tear gas canister
LisaG in the world: Window broken by tear gas canister
LisaG in the world: Two boys who offered me sliced onion for the tear gas
LisaG in the world: Running from tear gas
LisaG in the world: Bird's eye view of soldiers in village
LisaG in the world: Tear gas outside a house with children inside
LisaG in the world: Preparing to throw stones
LisaG in the world: Holding an onion to help ward off tear gas effects
LisaG in the world: Hiding from the soldiers
LisaG in the world: Covering their faces against the tear gas
LisaG in the world: Palestinian camera man for local news station