LisaG in the world: Maher Hannoun tells his story to the J-Street delegation
LisaG in the world: Settler exiting the Hannoun family home
LisaG in the world: Hannoun family member sitting next to American Jewish visitor
LisaG in the world: Jeremy Ben-Ami and Nasser al-Ghawi
LisaG in the world: Israeli activist (left) and Hannoun famliy member
LisaG in the world: American Jewish visitors listen to the Hannoun family's story and express shock
LisaG in the world: Marching to free Sheikh Jarrah from the settlers
LisaG in the world: The littlest demonstrator, champion chanter
LisaG in the world: Israeli border police guarding the settlers who live in the Hannoun family home
LisaG in the world: Police filming the demonstrators
LisaG in the world: Demonstrating in front of the Hannoun family home
LisaG in the world: The drummers who have led the demos since day one
LisaG in the world: Uber-macho Reuters photojournalist
LisaG in the world: Shulamit Aloni, still fabulous after all these years
LisaG in the world: Police officer videotaping the demonstrators
LisaG in the world: Sheikh Jarrah, with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on Mt. Scopus on the left
LisaG in the world: Men of the Hannoun Family in front of the house from which they were evicted
LisaG in the world: Avi Cohen: mad, bad cop
LisaG in the world: A Palestinian boy at Sheikh Jarrah
LisaG in the world: Riot control police line up as the demo begins
LisaG in the world: Selling T-shirts to support the protestors
LisaG in the world: A bit of a party atmosphere at the demo
LisaG in the world: Photographer
LisaG in the world: Jerusalem police commander Avi Cohen, aggressive and nasty as usual
LisaG in the world: One of several religious Jewish protestors
LisaG in the world: Riot control police line up face-to-face with the demonstrators
LisaG in the world: The cop van for prisoners, waiting...