LisaG in the world: Media gallery in the Knesset
LisaG in the world: Avi Dichter addresses the Knesset
LisaG in the world: Motion of no confidence: watching the votes tallied
LisaG in the world: Olmert gloats, Peretz sighs in relief: the motion of no confidence was defeated with ease
LisaG in the world: Arab MK's. L to R: Ahmed Tibi, Hanna Swaid, Jamal Zahalka
LisaG in the world: Same Arab MK's, different angle. L to R: Ahmed Tibi, Hanna Swaid, Jamal Zahalka
LisaG in the world: L to R: Rafi Eitan, Tzipi Livni, Ehud Olmert, Shimon Peres