LisaG in the world:
The results of the first exit polls
LisaG in the world:
Hadeel Wahdan, Al Arabiya
LisaG in the world:
Zvi Yehezkeli (left) and Majdi El Halabi
LisaG in the world:
Zvi Yehezkeli and Majdi El Halabi
LisaG in the world:
Majdi El Halabi
LisaG in the world:
A woman who suffers from post-terror trauma
LisaG in the world:
Foreign TV live feed at Rabin Square, election night
LisaG in the world:
Watching the results at Rabin Square on election night
LisaG in the world:
Teenage reporter for a youth TV program
LisaG in the world:
Scattered campaign literature, after the elections
LisaG in the world:
Orthodox supporters of NRP after the exit polls